With your new customizable dashboard, you can move or dock widgets to your liking, download commercial documents, get industry updates, retrieve invoices, see your volume over time, track shipments and view a history of emails to you.
Thanks to your valuable feedback, we have completely re-designed the way you view your freight information:
Documents Widget
- View and download your commercial documents from the Documents widget
- Quickly find any commercial document
RSS News Feed Widget
- News feeds from the Journal of Commerce and IFW. Stay updated with the latest industry information and click on the headline to be forwarded to the story.
Invoices Widget
- View and download your invoice
- See what is past due or outstanding
- Search for an invoice quickly with HBL or invoice number
Volume Widget
- A monthly chart of your FCL, LCL and Air volume from the last three years
- Use the arrows to navigate to the different charts
Communications Widget
- All email and fax communications sent from our system is displayed and grouped
- Groupings are based on the subject of the communication (Arrival Notice, Customs Exam, I.T. Notification, etc.)
- View or download the original document
- Search for any communication by HBL
Notes Widget
- See the latest tracking updates for your shipment
- Use the search icon to find specific HBL info
Tracking Widget
- See your shipments in three "milestone" views; Hot shipments, In Transit and Ready to deliver/Delivered
- Export date range of shipments to Excel
- Use the pop-out icon to see detailed summary of all shipments
- Get help navigating any widget by clicking on the information icon, "i".
We hope you enjoy your new dashboard. We will be adding more features soon.
Sign up today!